Source code for duplicity.backends.onedrivebackend

# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4; encoding:utf-8 -*-
# vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
# Contact Michael Stapelberg <>
# This is NOT a Google product.
# Revised for Microsoft Graph API 2019 by David Martin
# This file is part of duplicity.
# Duplicity is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# Duplicity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with duplicity; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from past.utils import old_div
from builtins import input
from builtins import str
import time
import json
import os
import sys

import duplicity.backend
from duplicity.errors import BackendException
from duplicity import config
from duplicity import log
from duplicity import util

# For documentation on the API, see
# The previous Live SDK API required the use of opaque folder IDs to navigate paths, but the Microsoft Graph
# API allows the use of parent/child/grandchild pathnames.
# Old Live SDK API:  # noqa
# Files API:
# Large file upload API:  # noqa

[docs]class OneDriveBackend(duplicity.backend.Backend): u"""Uses Microsoft OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) for backups.""" API_URI = u'' # The large file upload API says that uploaded chunks (except the last) must be multiples of 327680 bytes. REQUIRED_FRAGMENT_SIZE_MULTIPLE = 327680
[docs] def __init__(self, parsed_url): duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url) = parsed_url.path.lstrip(u'/') # this drive_root works for personal and business onedrive # to use a sharepoint 365 default drive this needs to be set to # 'sites/<>,<site id>/drive' self.drive_root = os.environ.get(u'DUPLICITY_ONEDRIVE_ROOT', u'me/drive') self.directory_onedrive_path = u'%s:/%s/' % (self.drive_root + u'/root', if == u"": raise BackendException(( u'You did not specify a path. ' u'Please specify a path, e.g. onedrive://duplicity_backups')) if config.volsize > (10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024): raise BackendException(( u'Your --volsize is bigger than 10 GiB, which is the maximum ' u'file size on OneDrive.')) self.initialize_oauth2_session()
[docs] def initialize_oauth2_session(self): client_id = os.environ.get(u'OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID') refresh_token = os.environ.get(u'OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN') for n in range(1, config.num_retries + 1): try: if client_id and refresh_token: self.http_client = ExternalOAuth2Session(client_id, refresh_token) else: self.http_client = DefaultOAuth2Session(self.API_URI) break except Exception as e: if n >= config.num_retries: raise e log.Warn(_(u"Attempt of initialize_oauth2_session Nr. %s failed. %s: %s") % (n, e.__class__.__name__, util.uexc(e))) time.sleep(config.backend_retry_delay)
[docs] def _list(self): accum = [] # Strip last slash, because graph can give a 404 in some cases with it next_url = self.API_URI + self.directory_onedrive_path.rstrip(u'/') + u':/children' while True: response = self.http_client.get(next_url, timeout=config.timeout) if response.status_code == 404: # No further files here break response.raise_for_status() responseJson = response.json() if u'value' not in responseJson: raise BackendException(( u'Malformed JSON: expected "value" member in %s' % ( responseJson))) accum += responseJson[u'value'] if u'@odata.nextLink' in responseJson: next_url = responseJson[u'@odata.nextLink'] else: break return [x[u'name'] for x in accum]
[docs] def _get(self, remote_filename, local_path): remote_filename = remote_filename.decode(u"UTF-8") with'wb') as f: response = self.http_client.get( self.API_URI + self.directory_onedrive_path + remote_filename + u':/content', stream=True, timeout=config.timeout) response.raise_for_status() for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): if chunk: f.write(chunk) f.flush()
[docs] def _put(self, source_path, remote_filename): # Happily, the OneDrive API will lazily create the folder hierarchy required to contain a pathname # Check if the user has enough space available on OneDrive before even # attempting to upload the file. remote_filename = remote_filename.decode(u"UTF-8") source_size = os.path.getsize( start = time.time() response = self.http_client.get(self.API_URI + self.drive_root + u'?$select=quota', timeout=config.timeout) response.raise_for_status() if (u'quota' in response.json()): available = response.json()[u'quota'].get(u'remaining', None) if available: log.Debug(u'Bytes available: %d' % available) if source_size > available: raise BackendException(( u'Out of space: trying to store "%s" (%d bytes), but only ' u'%d bytes available on OneDrive.' % (, source_size, available))) log.Debug(u"Checked quota in %fs" % (time.time() - start)) with as source_file: start = time.time() url = self.API_URI + self.directory_onedrive_path + remote_filename + u':/createUploadSession' response =, timeout=config.timeout) response.raise_for_status() response_json = json.loads(response.content.decode(u"UTF-8")) if u'uploadUrl' not in response_json: raise BackendException(( u'File "%s" cannot be uploaded: could not create upload session: %s' % ( remote_filename, response.content))) uploadUrl = response_json[u'uploadUrl'] # # indicates 10 MiB is optimal for stable high speed connections. offset = 0 desired_num_fragments = old_div(10 * 1024 * 1024, self.REQUIRED_FRAGMENT_SIZE_MULTIPLE) while True: chunk = * self.REQUIRED_FRAGMENT_SIZE_MULTIPLE) if len(chunk) == 0: break headers = { u'Content-Length': u'%d' % (len(chunk)), u'Content-Range': u'bytes %d-%d/%d' % (offset, offset + len(chunk) - 1, source_size), } log.Debug(u'PUT %s %s' % (remote_filename, headers[u'Content-Range'])) response = self.http_client.put( uploadUrl, headers=headers, data=chunk, timeout=config.timeout) response.raise_for_status() offset += len(chunk) log.Debug(u"PUT file in %fs" % (time.time() - start))
[docs] def _delete(self, remote_filename): remote_filename = remote_filename.decode(u"UTF-8") response = self.http_client.delete( self.API_URI + self.directory_onedrive_path + remote_filename, timeout=config.timeout) if response.status_code == 404: raise BackendException(( u'File "%s" cannot be deleted: it does not exist' % ( remote_filename))) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def _query(self, remote_filename): remote_filename = remote_filename.decode(u"UTF-8") response = self.http_client.get( self.API_URI + self.directory_onedrive_path + remote_filename, timeout=config.timeout) if response.status_code != 200: return {u'size': -1} if u'size' not in response.json(): raise BackendException(( u'Malformed JSON: expected "size" member in %s' % ( response.json()))) return {u'size': response.json()[u'size']}
[docs] def _retry_cleanup(self): self.initialize_oauth2_session()
[docs]class OneDriveOAuth2Session(object): u"""A tiny wrapper for OAuth2Session that handles some OneDrive details.""" OAUTH_TOKEN_URI = u''
[docs] def __init__(self): # OAUTHLIB_RELAX_TOKEN_SCOPE prevents the oauthlib from complaining # about a mismatch between the requested scope and the delivered scope. # We need this because we don't get a refresh token without asking for # offline_access, but Microsoft Graph doesn't include offline_access # in its response (even though it does send a refresh_token). os.environ[u'OAUTHLIB_RELAX_TOKEN_SCOPE'] = u'TRUE' # Import requests-oauthlib try: # On debian (and derivatives), get these dependencies using: # apt-get install python-requests-oauthlib # On fedora (and derivatives), get these dependencies using: # yum install python-requests-oauthlib from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session self.session_class = OAuth2Session except ImportError as e: raise BackendException(( u'OneDrive backend requires python-requests-oauthlib to be ' u'installed. Please install it and try again.\n' + str(e))) # Should be filled by a subclass self.session = None
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.session.get(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.session.put(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.session.delete(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class DefaultOAuth2Session(OneDriveOAuth2Session): u"""A possibly-interactive console session using a built-in API key""" OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH = os.path.expanduser( os.environ.get(u'DUPLICITY_ONEDRIVE_TOKEN', u'~/.duplicity_onedrive_oauthtoken.json')) CLIENT_ID = os.getenv(u'DUPLICITY_ONEDRIVE_CLIENT_ID', u'1612f841-ae01-46ab-9535-43ba6ec04029') OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI = u'' OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI = u'' # Files.Read is for reading files, # Files.ReadWrite is for creating/writing files, # Files.Read.All and Files.Read.All are used if a sharepoint drive is provided by ONEDRIVE_ROOT in env # User.Read is needed for the /me request to see if the token works. # offline_access is necessary for duplicity to access onedrive without # the user being logged in right now. OAUTH_SCOPE = [ u'Files.Read', u'Files.ReadWrite', u'Files.Read.All', u'Files.ReadWrite.All', u'User.Read', u'offline_access' ]
[docs] def __init__(self, api_uri): super(DefaultOAuth2Session, self).__init__() token = None try: with open(self.OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH) as f: token = json.load(f) except IOError as e: log.Error((u'Could not load OAuth2 token. ' u'Trying to create a new one. (original error: %s)' % e)) self.session = self.session_class( self.CLIENT_ID, scope=self.OAUTH_SCOPE, redirect_uri=self.OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI, token=token, auto_refresh_kwargs={ u'client_id': self.CLIENT_ID, }, auto_refresh_url=self.OAUTH_TOKEN_URI, token_updater=self.token_updater) # We have to refresh token manually because it's not working "under the covers" if token is not None: self.session.refresh_token(self.OAUTH_TOKEN_URI, timeout=config.timeout) # Send a request to make sure the token is valid (or could at least be # refreshed successfully, which will happen under the covers). In case # this request fails, the provided token was too old (i.e. expired), # and we need to get a new token. user_info_response = self.session.get(api_uri + u'me', timeout=config.timeout) if user_info_response.status_code != 200: token = None if token is None: if not sys.stdout.isatty() or not sys.stdin.isatty(): log.FatalError((u'The OAuth2 token could not be loaded from %s ' u'and you are not running duplicity ' u'interactively, so duplicity cannot possibly ' u'access OneDrive.' % self.OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH)) authorization_url, state = self.session.authorization_url( self.OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, display=u'touch') print() print(u'In order to authorize duplicity to access your OneDrive, ' u'please open %s in a browser and copy the URL of the blank ' u'page the dialog leads to.' % authorization_url) print() redirected_to = input(u'URL of the blank page: ').strip() token = self.session.fetch_token( self.OAUTH_TOKEN_URI, authorization_response=redirected_to, include_client_id=True, timeout=config.timeout) user_info_response = self.session.get(api_uri + u'me', timeout=config.timeout) user_info_response.raise_for_status() try: with open(self.OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH, u'w') as f: json.dump(token, f) except Exception as e: log.Error((u'Could not save the OAuth2 token to %s. ' u'This means you need to do the OAuth2 authorization ' u'process on every start of duplicity. ' u'Original error: %s' % ( self.OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH, e)))
[docs] def token_updater(self, token): try: with open(self.OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH, u'w') as f: json.dump(token, f) except Exception as e: log.Error((u'Could not save the OAuth2 token to %s. ' u'This means you may need to do the OAuth2 ' u'authorization process again soon. ' u'Original error: %s' % ( self.OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH, e)))
[docs]class ExternalOAuth2Session(OneDriveOAuth2Session): u"""Caller is managing tokens and provides an active refresh token."""
[docs] def __init__(self, client_id, refresh_token): super(ExternalOAuth2Session, self).__init__() token = { u'refresh_token': refresh_token, } self.session = self.session_class( client_id, token=token, auto_refresh_kwargs={ u'client_id': client_id, }, auto_refresh_url=self.OAUTH_TOKEN_URI) # Get an initial refresh under our belts, since we don't have an access # token to start with. self.session.refresh_token(self.OAUTH_TOKEN_URI, timeout=config.timeout)
duplicity.backend.register_backend(u'onedrive', OneDriveBackend)